Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice

Unveiling the Seriousness of Medical Malpractice: Seek Legal Help from a New York Medical Malpractice Attorney

Medical malpractice is a critical issue that often goes unreported, leading to devastating consequences. Shockingly, it is the third leading cause of death in the United States, following heart disease and cancer. Each year, about a million injuries occur, and up to 225,000 people lose their lives due to medical malpractice. Despite these alarming figures, only around 85,000 lawsuits are filed for injuries and deaths caused by medical negligence. The aftermath of medical malpractice leaves patients with injuries and the burden of unpaid medical bills and regular expenses.

Understanding Medical Malpractice:

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider deviates from accepted medical practice, resulting in the injury or death of a patient. It often involves medical errors, such as misdiagnosis, medication mistakes, inadequate treatment, aftercare negligence, or improper health management. Negligence can also stem from acts of omission where crucial actions are not taken. When medical malpractice is proven, patients may be eligible for compensation for lost earnings, medical expenses, and pain and suffering.

Medical Malpractice Caps:

Some states impose limits on the damages that medical malpractice plaintiffs can receive, primarily in the “non-economic” categories, which are subjective and challenging to quantify. Non-economic damages encompass mental anguish, pain and suffering, disfigurement, and loss of companionship. However, economic damages like medical expenses, lost wages, and lost future earnings are generally not restricted.

Fortunately, New York is one of the states that do not have “caps” on the amount a person can recover in a medical malpractice suit. Unlike other states that limit non-economic damages as low as $250,000, New York offers more favorable conditions for medical malpractice victims.

Statute of Limitations and Other Applicable Laws:

Typically, a medical malpractice lawsuit must be filed within 2 ½ years from the time the negligent act or omission occurred. However, certain situations may lead to a significantly shorter statute of limitations. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a New York medical malpractice attorney at Talisman & DeLorenz, P.C. immediately after experiencing medical malpractice to determine the applicable statute of limitations for your claim. For instance, if the malpractice occurred at a city or state-owned hospital or clinic, you are required to file a Notice of Claim within 90 days of the alleged malpractice and the statute of limitations could be as short as a year and 90 days.  Our firm has attorneys who are members of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum and The National Top 100 Trial Lawyers and have expertise in this area and will protect you from missing these essential deadlines resulting in the loss of your right to sue.

The Complexity of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits:

Medical malpractice law is a highly specialized and intricate field. These lawsuits are particularly complex and can be expensive to pursue. Therefore, it is in your best interest to seek the expertise of a skilled and knowledgeable New York medical malpractice attorney at Talisman & DeLorenz, P.C. immediately. They can guide you through the intricate legal process and fight for your rights, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact Talisman & DeLorenz, P.C. – Your New York Medical Malpractice Attorneys:

If you or someone you love has suffered from medical malpractice in New York, it’s vital to have an experienced personal injury law firm on your side from the very beginning. At Talisman & DeLorenz, P.C, we have over 50 years of extensive experience representing injured patients and their families. As Members of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the National Top 100 Trial Lawyers, we are committed to fighting for your rights and ensuring your future is protected.

Call us today at 718-302-6802 for a free consultation and review of your case, or fill out our confidential online contact form. You deserve a strong legal advocate who will stand by you, advocating for your rights and future.

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